Why a blog?....realistically, it's cheaper than therapy!

So, finally, the ultimate embrace of technology. Diary writing for the world to see. I guess if I had anything interesting to hide, I could always opt out of writing it down and sending it into to the webiverse, but what fun would that be? Laugh, cry, criticize, empathize, sympathize, and any other "ize" you can think of. That is what this is for. I'll be seeing you in your comments...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

What have I gotten myself into??

So much more than I expected, more work, more learning, navigating through all the web stuff and instructions...blah, blah, blah. Ok, I think I have made enough headway to actually post something. Whether or not that something is worth reading, we'll soon see. Yes, I am officially putting myself out there, revisiting the world of writing I discovered more than 15 years ago. I have boxes of old notes, stories, witty anecdotes (ok, so maybe more full of shit than wit), and random babblings of the me before marriage and children. I guess I feel that I might have more to offer now, after the vows and toilet training. Maybe there are funnier stories, more poignant and relevant than the "know-it-all" ramblings of a 21 year old! But I'll let you be the judges...

First things first, a little background for those who don't know me much beyond facebook hellos, casual playdates, friends of friends, or blasts from the past. Hopefully it is not too much, and not too little. I've always been a compatiblist so finding the middle ground is like home for me. Here goes:

I WAS: a student of philosophy suckered into not one, but two degrees, a professor (of sorts) of the aforementioned subject, quite fond of the critical thinking and introduction to philosophy courses as my specialty was incorporating philosophy into a public school K-12 curriculum (Ha! Told you I was a sucker!). I always felt that with philosophy you either loved it or hated it, and it all depended on the professor who introduced you to it. Hopefully my following was of the former mindset, though I never took an actual poll. The bottom line is that I loved thinking and teaching all the weird stuff that made people think either you were waaay off your rocker, or that you were one of the bright bulbs in the bunch, regardless of what my students thought. However, I discovered it was not an either/or, but both a little insanity and brilliance were necessary for success in the subject.

I AM: not a professor anymore, unless you count the daily lectures to my children.
A SAHM (stay at home mom: not to condescend, but at first I thought a SAHM was some kind of new disease, or secret hip term for some teenage texting code parents were too dumb to decipher) who has obviously been out of the adult reality loop for a while, and a part time candy maker selling her wares any place that will stock them and giving most away as free samples in the hopes of self-promotion. I've been married for 7 years, and in the way of children, have a 5 year old "Little Man Tate" as some of his teachers have called him, a 3 1/2 year old spitfire of a daughter who finds joy in the challenge of making you smile at her as you reprimand her for some behavioral infraction or sly attempt at deceit, and a 2 1/2 month old baby girl who has yet to find a way to piss me off! I just can't find fault with the whole sleeping through the night, eating like a champ, and smiling at every feeble attempt I make to get a grin out of her...I feel it is the calm before the storm, though, before you other parents of newborns and young infants decide to send a hit man and take me out!

I WANT: to find my way back into writing, maybe be successful enough not to have to go back to school and earn a degree that I can actually use. A girl can dream right? I mean, if Tori Spelling and a SAHM with a whacked Stephen King-ish nightmare turned multi-million dollar franchise can do it why not me? Don't get me wrong, love Tori, watch her show, and enjoy empathizing with the chaos, the friction caused by children entering a marriage, and the day to day life struggle of a Hollywood star trying to have a "normal" life (ok, so I am not a star, but the "normal" life thing is at least a very common theme you don't need head shots or movie credits to understand). And I have even been known to enjoy anything vampire-related for as long as I can remember. I'll also admit to reading almost every word Stephen King has ever written (more than once in most cases), and watching every inane vampire/witch/magic/supernatural show I can find the time to enjoy. But the real question is, can I turn all of this random babbling into something that can satisfy both the practical and creative sides of me? Who knows, but at the very least I hope you enjoy taking the journey with me.

Until next time....

1 comment:

  1. I am absolutely delighted! This is a creative outlet, without the calories or cholesterol, and you have a platform, all your own that you can do with, pretty much as you wish.

    Now, I am delighted to be the first to publicly endorse your efforts.... from the middle of the Black Sea, en route from Odessa to Istanbul. Of course, I have already completely endorsed 3 of your previous creative efforts, though they must be considered co-creations, with some guy named Josh.

    While I'm here, endorsing, let me put a word in for your truffles! And your child-rearing skills.

    Keep up the work. Once again, you can't miss, because you're that special!
